Worshop Socio-legal studies/sociologie du droit

Worshop Socio-legal studies/sociologie du droit : methods, traditions, theories in France and the UK

de 10h à 17h30

University of Kent in Paris
4 Rue de Chevreuse
75006 Paris

Journée d'étude franco-britannique co-organisée par le CERCRID (UMR5137) et la Kent Law School avec le soutien de la Socio-Legal Studies Association

The workshop will be held in English

This workshop stems from several observations : first, that socio-legal scholarship as a whole is strongly influenced by both institutional contexts and local scholarly traditions, which has led it to adopt very varied forms across jurisdictions. Second, that this diversity is both an interesting object of study to understand the possibilities and forms of socio-legal research and critique, and an obstacle to some cross-jurisdictional conversations. Third, that this is particularly noticeable and interesting in the context of France and the UK.
While socio-legal studies have significantly developed over the past few decades, both in the UK and (though arguably to a lesser extent) in France, cross-channel conversations across relevant communities have remained limited. In addition, the forms that socio-legal scholarship has adopted in those two contexts are strikingly different.

In this workshop, we want to reflect on those different trajectories, and what they have to tell us about "socio-legal studies in context", but also aim to bring together this scholarly diversity in order to explore ways forward, in terms of collaborations, and in terms of methodological and conceptual explorations.
Therefore, this workshop positions itself both as a first step towards a broader set of discussions and as a significant opportunity to reflect on the impact on our own traditions on the forms of knowledge produced.

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olivier.leclerc @ univ-st-etienne.fr
